49 North provides liquid hand sanitizer to the residents of Winnipeg
Residents of Winnipeg care about keeping their workplaces and homes safe, sanitized, and properly disinfected. That means regularly applying liquid hand sanitizer to lower the risk of spreading harmful germs that could infect workers with dangerous viruses. Our sanitizer was developed as an approved formula from the World Health Organization and the products we carry meet all of the rigorous Health Canada standards.
We deliver antibacterial sanitizer to customers from a vast range of industries located in and around Winnipeg. Our team of delivery drivers will bring hand sanitizer to your business no matter where in the city you may be located. We want to help keep your Winnipeg-based business operation sterile and running at full capacity.
Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispensers With Stands
49 North Lubricants also supplies automatic hand sanitizer dispensers. We have 1000mL refillable automatic dispensers with touch-free, motion-captured sensors. With a non-dripping, waterproof design, these units can be easily wall-mounted or placed on a stand.